Subject: HTML: Darwinism and the Internet Author: MercBW Uploaded By: MercBW Date: 8/22/1995 File: DARWIN.HTM (6038 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 110 Needs: Web browser (AOL's or another) HTML version of a Top of the News story, "Darwinism and the Internet," which ran in the June 26, 1995 issue. This story explains why traditional scientific journals "could go the way of the pterodactyl." In order to view the HTML version of this story on AOL, you must be using AOL 2.5 for Windows or 2.6 for Mac, either of which provide for using AOL's World Wide Web browser. Download this file to the directory of your choice. While you are still online, click on FILE on the menu and then choose "Open." Then select darwin.htm from the appropriate directory. Your AOL Web browser should load automatically and display the story on your screen. You may then click on the links provided to go to these Web sites and explore further the latest developments in scientific publishing. Note: If you have any other browser (and an Internet connection), you may also view this page by opening it from within that browser and connecting to the provided sites.